I’ve been thinking a lot lately about documentation. The node community is somewhat known for having poor documentation and issues with discoverablity. While the python community has fantastic tools like Read the Docs, we are many times left with a single readme.

Keeping everything small

Our “One readme per package” practice fits in well with the small module philosophy. But It can be painful digging around in node-modules directories looking for that readme. Users generally will just open up the repo and view the nicely formatted markdown in the github ui. But what about offline development? This was a pain point for us mentors at the most recent NodeSchool.io. Specifically digging around for Async docs when students were continually being booted off of the WiFi.

man {package-name}

Being that our community loves to follow the unix philosophy why not take advantage of tools developers are already familiar with? Lets generate man pages for all of our node modules.

man page generation

Generating man pages out of existing readme’s is extremely straight forward. There’s already a module for that.

Go ahead and install marked-man

npm install -g marked-man

Now we just need to point marked-man to the markdown file we want to generate our manpage from.

marked-man README.md > doc/package-name.1

Try it out by running

man path/to/manpage

You should get something like this.

Now all we need to do is let npm know about our manpage. We’ll edit our package.JSON.

If the module is installed globally with npm it will copy the manpages from the path specified in the man property to {prefix}/share/man.

It’s as simple as that. If you’d like to dig in a little bit deeper on this subject take a look at these resources.

If your never without an internet connection or just hate man pages you can always run the

npm docs … command:

npm docs {package-name}

Go forth and generate more accessible documentation!


The npm feature written about in this blog post is currently not working. You can track the issue here.

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23 February 2014