Hackers Dot Txt
I recently came across a module from substack, hacker-deps, which allows you to get a list of authors of node-modules included in your project.
This gives us a really simple way to give a tiny bit of credit back for their work
by adding a hackers.txt
to our projects.
All you have to do is:
npm install hacker-deps --save
In the root of your project directory. And add these lines to your package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "npm run hackers-text && npm run unzip-sounds && echo 'run npm run start' to run sequencer",
"hackers-text": "hacker-deps > public/hackers.txt",
Now each time you do an npm install, the hackers.txt will be generated and served from your public/static directory.
Here is some sample output when ran against one of my projects
19.9% James Halliday (substack)
6.1% Dominic Tarr (dominictarr)
5.9% Isaac Z. Schlueter (isaacs)
5.9% spumko (spumko)
4.9% facebook (facebook)
4.2% Conrad Zimmerman (conradz)
4.1% rvagg (rvagg)
2.8% Chris Dickinson (chrisdickinson)
2.6% Eran Hammer (spumko)
2.6% Raynos (Raynos)
2.5% undefined
2.3% isaacs (isaacs)
1.8% Nick Fitzgerald (mozilla)
1.5% ForbesLindesay (ForbesLindesay)
1.5% Julian Gruber (juliangruber)
1.3% James Burke (jrburke)
1.3% Max Ogden (maxogden)
1.3% Scott Corgan (scottcorgan)
1.3% Andrey Popp (andreypopp)
1.3% Ben Newman (reactjs)
1.3% Awnist (awnist)
1.3% max ogden (maxogden)
1.3% Hugh Kennedy (hughsk)
1.3% meandave
1.0% TJ Holowaychuk (visionmedia)
1.0% Caolan McMahon (caolan)
0.9% Roman Shtylman (shtylman)
0.8% Andrew Nesbitt (andrew)
0.7% Thorsten Lorenz (thlorenz)
0.7% T. Jameson Little (beatgammit)
0.7% Tim Caswell (creationix)
0.7% ariya (ariya)
0.6% Alex Gorbatchev (alexgorbatchev)
0.6% Paul Miller (paulmillr)
0.6% component (component)
0.6% Federico Romero (federomero)
0.6% Robert Kieffer (broofa)
0.6% mout (mout)
0.6% Level (Level)
0.6% andrewrk (andrewrk)
0.6% jensarps (jensarps)
0.6% Jordan Harband (ljharb)
0.5% mishoo (mishoo)
0.3% Eli Skeggs (globesherpa)
0.3% Andrew Kelley (superjoe30)
0.3% Mathias Bynens (bestiejs)
0.3% Drew Young (drewyoung1)
0.3% Brian J. Brennan (brianloveswords)
0.3% Timothy J Fontaine (tjfontaine)
0.3% Romain Beauxis (toots)
0.2% Cloudkick, Inc. (cloudkick)
0.2% Alexander Shtuchkin (ashtuchkin)
0.2% Constellation (Constellation)
0.2% David Chambers (davidchambers)
0.2% Kris Kowal (kriskowal)
0.1% Douglas Crockford (substack)
0.1% Ariya Hidayat (ariya)
0.1% Tom Robinson
0.1% Johan Dahlberg
0.1% Richard Rodger (rjrodger)
0.1% Paul Querna (pquerna)
0.1% Tomaz Muraus (Kami)
0.1% Peter Scott (PeterScott)
0.1% Moritz Peters (maritz)
0.1% Jeremy Ashkenas (jashkenas)
There are a few other options you can checkout here if you wanna get a little more descriptive.
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17 August 2014